On The Catwalk

Posted: September 15, 2010 in Uncategorized

Six months of ownership has led me to this analogy; owning an iPhone is like dating a supermodel.
Like a supermodel, the iPhone is very attractive in a simplistic, elegant sort of way. And before everyone had one, you were cool as the other side of the pillow when seen with one in your hand, again much like a supermodel. But dating above your station always has it’s pitfalls….
This is a very delicate and finicky device. Treat it with care and it will reward you (apps you can’t live without, built in iPod, versatility)….or not (poor 3G reception, crashing, slow OS). There are far more functional and equally attractive phones out there that are more stable and practical with less flash and fluff (think “girl next door”) yet millions continue to buy them despite all of their faults.
How did I come to this conclusion? Well I am glad you asked. I recently downloaded and installed an update to the iPhone OS (part of the update was to fix some 3G issues) and ironically enough I have had troubles with several of my apps (iTunes and the App store to name a few) not being able to access 3G (wi-fi worked fine). Also it has crashed 3 times in the 6 months that I have owned it.. The most recent time it was out of commission for 6 hours (seemed like 6 weeks). I thought I had lost all of my apps, contacts and the 5500 songs that I have stored inside. Then, out of nowhere, with no warning…it started working…all by itself. I don’t know what went wrong or what went right. It works and that’s good enough.
Yes, I know…I should probably be with the “girl next door”. Yet, despite all of it’s faults, I still love my supermodel.

  1. Anna says:

    Remember the time when a phone was something you used to talk to other people? 😉

  2. Lou Harvatin says:

    I vaguely remember a time like that. I think that is the used feature on my phone…just ask my mother!

  3. Audrey Ellis says:

    Right on target Lou. Excellent blog entry. I don't have crash problems but sometimes the 3G is slow. Of course I don't have 5500 songs – only 69. Sometimes the phone feature is actually awkward to use but I love my iPhone. Holly and I played with the iPad and Xmas is coming. Yes– better than a netbook or laptop PC — just no phone. Ps dear step-son-in-law/significant other or whatever, you are an superb writer. Audrey

  4. Alvin says:

    You hit the nail on the head. The iPhone 4 is better though. Maybe the next gen iPhone will even better (when your contract should be up).

    I don’t know how I lived without amazing device, and I cringe at the thought of losing it.

    The iPhone is not a phone. It is a pocket computer/media player/entertainment device that can make phone calls.

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