Vacation, all I ever wanted….

Posted: August 21, 2010 in Uncategorized

Well, my first blog. I’ve been contemplating creating one for some time so no time like the present! I figured that my Oregon vacation exploits would make for good reading but I quickly decided that the “this is what I did today” format was too predictable.

Scenic Salem OR
The omnipresent Mt. Hood

I initially imagined that this trip would be one of discovery of a part of the country that I had yet to visit (which it was) but it also had an unintended result. Over the 12 days spent in the Willamette Valley, I had met virtually every member of my Jessica’s family (and friends too) that I hadn’t met before and got to know the ones that I had met before even better.

Mom Holly, Jess, daughter Ivy, sister Ashely, nephew Sam and Daddy Jack.
Jess’ BFFF Melissa.
Grandma Gloria, mother Deb, Jess and daughter Ivy.
Auntie Dee Dee and Uncle Jim.

Uncle Robert, cousin Erica and Auntie Jodi.

I finally got to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together by seeing how her family, friends, culture and geography had shaped her into the woman she is today. It was like rediscovering her all over again. I think that Jessica left with a better appreciation of where she grew up as a result of showing me all of her old haunts, schools and such. I guess we both had unexpected results of our epic vaca to the Pacific NW! I personally will always have very special memories of Oregon thanks to the friendship and hospitality of all that I have met there. Thank you everyone for the good times and I hope to see you all again soon!

  1. Anna says:

    Congrats on your first post! Looking forward to reading more! 🙂 Sounds like you had a great trip, thanks for sharing!

  2. Audrey says:

    This is cool! I have bookmarked you. Waiting for more.Audrey

  3. Jessica says:

    I am so glad you enjoyed this adventure love, with many more to come I am sure! Cheers!

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